
Showing Tag: " light" (Show all posts)

Presenting a Small Penis in the Best Light

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 23, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Just as some people have bigger feet or heavyset fingers or a thick neck, so too do some men have what might be considered a small penis. In some cases, that small penis is small only when flaccid; when a guy is a grower, he has a penis that is unimpressive when unaroused but which grows to a respectable (or in some cases awe-inspiring) length when the blood starts flowing into the penis. In other instances, however, a guy starts out with a small penis and ends similarly, even when at their m...

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Sex Tips: Look to the Light

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, In : Men's Health 

So many lists of sex tips focuses on the sexual act itself – positions to try, locations to investigate, communication during, etc. But some guys benefit from sex tips that come from a different place, such as those that focus on how to improve penis health or keep testosterone levels up or aid in achieving erections. There are many sex tips to sort through, but the ones that follow all focus on the role that light may play in penis activity. No thanks are necessary – shedding light on a...

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Need a New Sex Tip? Move to the Light!

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, January 11, 2019, In : Men's Health 

They may not be prone to admitting it, but most men don’t know every little thing there is to know about sex – and therefore even the most experienced Romeo could probably benefit from a few sex tips here and there. Most important of sex tips, of course, is to maintain excellent penis health, but there are many others - and not all of them may seem obvious. For example, most men may not know that exposure to simple light can play a role in one’s sexual success.

Spread a little sunshine...

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Penis Skin Alert: Take Care with Penis Lightening

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, November 15, 2018, In : Men's Health 

A man’s penis skin makes a huge impression on partners (and potential partners), as well as on just the casual viewer. (Guys do surreptitiously check each other out in, say, the locker room with a quick glance.) As we note in our article originally published on, that’s one reason practicing appropriate penis health is important. When the skin is clean and clear, it assures onlookers that it is in good shape and disease-free (although, of course, in some cases appearances...

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Take Care with Penis Skin Lightening

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, January 22, 2018, In : Men's Health 

The condition of a man’s penis skin can make a big impression on partners (or potential partners), so it’s no wonder men take extra steps to make their penis skin attractive. Eliminating rashes, removing bumps and keeping sores and pimples away can add to the visual allure of a penis. But some guys may be taking penis skin presentation a little too far when they engage in lightening experiments. While some men have engaged in penis lightening with no problems, there is still a potential ...

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Want Better Sex? Keep It Light – Literally

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, October 24, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Men will try all sorts of different things in the never-ending search for better sex (or "even better sex," as some would put it), and why not? A satisfying sex life has an impact on so many other areas of a man’s life, after all. Now it turns out that something as simple as turning on a light may be one path to better sex. Yes, part of a man’s penis care regimen may include getting a little sunshine (or a sunshine equivalent) to help keep his sex drive in gear.

Time of the season


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