
Showing Tag: " longer" (Show all posts)

Lasting Longer May Lead to Better Sex

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, March 28, 2020, In : Men's Health 

No man wants to be known as being "quick on the trigger" while in bed, so lasting longer during intercourse is a big goal for many men. While this is not exactly a penis health issue in the way that, say, penis odor may be, it still can be a significant concern. For those for whom "better sex" means "lasting longer after penetrating," the following may be of some help.

It’s natural - sort of

So, the fact of the matter is that it seems that men tend to orgasm before their mates is somew...

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Last Longer in Bed - Facts and Tips

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, February 21, 2015, In : Men's Health 

The desire to extend playtime beyond its usual duration is a common one among both men and women. If both partners are interested in this, it makes sense to learn some tips about how to last longer in bed - provided that both partners’ expectations are realistic. If one or both partners place unrealistic expectations on the man’s stamina, then performance anxiety can set in and further disrupt sexual pleasure. Since sex is an important part of psychological, relationship and penile healt...

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