
Showing Tag: " partner" (Show all posts)

Masturbation One-on-One: Letting a Partner Watch

Posted by John Dugan on Sunday, December 22, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Although a child’s very first experiences with masturbation tend to be public, occurring as a baby when they simply discover some pleasure from manipulating their privates, it isn’t long before they are taught that masturbation is not something to be openly shared. While socially this is true, it does of course create a situation in which people are afraid to masturbate in front of anyone else, even a partner who loves them very much. Masturbation, of course, is involved in a comprehensi...

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Masturbation Benefits - 5 Ways Self-Touches Make Her Touches Even Better

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, November 15, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Everybody masturbates. It's just a fact of life. However, articles that discuss the male art of manual stimulation seem to suggest that the activity is a form of theft. Rather than spending time alone, these articles suggest, men should find willing partners and get busy in some kind of paired activity, as too much touching time could kill their partnered sex lives.

It's a reasonable suggestion, but it might also be misleading, as men who do quite a bit of informed loving during their alon...

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