
Showing Tag: " penis function" (Show all posts)

Identifying Erection Problems - Diagnostic Tests for Loss of Penis Function

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Loss of erectile function is not just a problem for older men. A significant number of younger men - even those in their late teens and early twenties - may experience erection problems that inhibit their ability to enjoy a normal sex life. This problem can be distressing, frustrating, and embarrassing - not to mention self-fulfilling, as men who are worried about their ability to perform may inadvertently cause loss of penis function through anxiety alone. Fortunately, there is a vast numbe...

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Armchair Penis Exercises - Sexual Health Tips for the Weekend Un-warrior

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, September 12, 2013, In : Men's Health 

The old saying "use it or lose it" can be applied to nearly anything, and when it comes to penis function and overall health, it is especially true. A lazy penis that rarely gets up and goes is much more likely to put on a limp performance when the opportunity arises than one that is in top form. Like the rest of the body, keeping the penis in shape requires some effort at physical conditioning. Activities that benefit the whole body are a good place to start. But for men who just don’t ha...

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Promoting a Healthy Penis - Essential Tips for Penis Care

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, July 4, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Most men assume that as long as they are generally in good health, they will also have a healthy penis, and in most cases, guys give little thought to penis care beyond keeping it clean, and maybe rolling on the protection during intimate encounters. However, there is more to maintaining adequate penis function than eating right and exercising, and almost every man can benefit from the right attention to penis care.

The penile tissue is delicate, complex, and has numerous functions. While ...

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Penis Health Secrets Revealed – Exercise for Better Sex

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, April 20, 2013, In : Men's Health 

The benefits of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are clear, and most people are aware, at least in theory, that physical activity is an important factor in overall health. Furthermore, it is easy to see why keeping the heart pumping and the waistline to reasonable proportions can help when it comes to stamina and function in the bedroom. However, most men will be surprised to learn that targeted exercises can have a direct effect on penis health and sexual prowess, helping to amp...

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Improve Sex Drive Naturally –Penis Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Alpha lipoic acid may not be a well-known nutrient the likes of vitamin C or calcium, but it is still a heavy hitter in the health department. It has many health advantages, perhaps the most surprising of which involve the penis. Unfortunately, many men overlook the penis in their daily health care regimen; however, proper penis care is an essential component of a man’s overall well-being. A simple routine that includes daily use of a penis health creme containing alpha lipoic acid, along ...

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Getting an Erection – The Ins and Outs of Penis Function

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, March 5, 2013, In : Men's Health 

The penis is a remarkable feat of engineering. One moment, it's soft and flat, and seconds later, it's standing out from the body and throbbing with sensation. When the stimulation has passed, it returns to its soft state once more as though nothing had happened. As many an embarrassed teen knows all too well, an erection comes on whether a man wants it or not, and much of the process is outside of a man's sphere of control. But knowing how the penis works could help men know their bodies ju...

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Penis Health Facts – A Nutrient Boost for Sexual Function

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, In : Men's Health 

The penis is a complex organ - perhaps more so than most people give it credit for. And just like the other vital organs in the body, the penis needs to be cared for on a daily basis. The penis is powered by a system of arteries that allows blood to engorge the manhood, leading to an erection, which is, of course, necessary for sex. Any breakdown in this system can lead to a sluggish penis - and, perhaps, an equally sluggish love life.

As a general rule, what’s good for the heart is good...

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TLC For The Penis - Self-Care After Adult Circumcision

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, January 17, 2013, In : Men’s Issues 
A surgical procedure to remove the foreskin (the skin covering the end of the penis), circumcision is a religious rite or a ceremonial tradition in many cultures. Circumcision has been in the news lately, because some people think the practice is painful and risky. However, most doctors believe that people who have been circumcised as infants are comfortable with the choices their parents made for them and have no regrets. On the other hand, adult males may also choose to have the foreskin re...

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Eating For Penis Health: 8 Foods For A Responsive Manhood

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, In : Women 
Many men don’t always make the healthiest choices when it comes to eating, especially when there are more attractive options at hand. However, it’s safe to say that most guys are aware that good nutrition is essential to good health. In the last decade, in particular, there has been increasing publicity concerning the dangers of poor nutrition, especially when it comes to fat, processed foods and excessive amounts of sugar.

What may surprise many men is that the virtues of healthy eating d...

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