
Showing Tag: " sex problems" (Show all posts)

Premature Ejaculation: How Many Men Suffer from This Frustrating Problem?

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, August 11, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Although the adult film industry would have people believe that a real man can spend hours having sex without ejaculating, the truth is that such men are definitely exceptions rather than the rule. (And, of course, when a man is actually engaged in sex, there isn’t always the option of stopping for a little while to let the urge to ejaculate lessen.) Still, men take it as a source of pride when they can "last long" while in bed - and consequently often feel ashamed when they "shoot quickly...

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Sex Tips: Overcome these Common Complaints in the Bedroom

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 27, 2015, In : Men's Health 

Some people are reluctant to acknowledge when their time between the sheets becomes a bit underwhelming. A satisfying sex life is an important part of an individual’s wellbeing along with the health of a relationship; lackluster sex can take its toll on both, and therefore deserves acknowledgment and attention from both partners. Writing for Huffington Post, couples mediator Debra Mcleod describes eight common sexual complaints she hears from both men and women. If bedroom playtime has bec...

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Male Sexual Performance and Obesity –Dropping Those Extra Pounds Can Make a Difference

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 17, 2014, In : Men's Health 

These days, there is a proliferation of mixed messages when it comes to body weight, body image and obesity. On the one hand, medical articles refer to the obesity "epidemic" and issue dire warnings about the consequences of carrying too much body fat; at the same time, images of lean and fit bodies are idealized in popular media. On the other hand, men and women are being told to embrace their bodies even if they do not live up to this ideal, and "fat-shaming" is becoming something of a car...

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