
Showing Tag: " thrush" (Show all posts)

Why the Itchy Penis? Could Be Thrush

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, April 29, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Things are going along fine for a guy and then suddenly - WHAM! - an insistent itchy penis rears its ugly head. He tries ignoring it, but when an itchy penis demands attention, there’s little choice but to give in and scratch - and hope that that beautiful woman at the end of the bar doesn’t notice his surreptitious hand movements. At this point the guy is asking why he hasn’t been paying closer attention to his penis health. And maybe he should have; sometimes an itchy penis occurs fo...

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Stopping That Penis Itch: When Thrush is Not Just a Female Problem

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, September 7, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Men and women often divide themselves into two camps, especially when it comes to health. Some conditions are simply considered ‘a female problem’ while others are seen as ‘a male problem.’ This is quite true when it comes to thrush, also known as yeast infections. Thrush is unfortunately so common for women that many pharmaceutical companies do booming business in over-the-counter treatments.

But here’s a surprise: Thrush can affect men as well. In fact, men can wind up with all...

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Itchy Penis Prevention - Keeping Thrush at Bay

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, April 3, 2015, In : Men's Health 

An itchy penis can strike a guy at any time and any place - and can be caused by any number of things. One of the more irritating causes is commonly called thrush - a yeast infection, the proper name of which is candidiasis. Practicing proper penis care can help decrease the chance of infection, which is certainly advisable.


Yeast infections are much more common in women than in men, but men sometimes do acquire them as well. And while thrush often occurs on the penis and surround...

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Penis Pain and Discharge? It Could be Thrush

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Yeast cells are amazing. Without them, there would be no wine, no bread and no beer. In short, they play an important role in the development of some of the things that men find so important. On the other hand, certain types of yeast cells can cause uncomfortable issues. When they run rampant on the skin of the penis, a condition known as thrush can develop. Thankfully, by altering a few penis care habits, men with thrush can almost certainly get better.

What Thrush Feels Like

The yeast ...

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