
Showing Tag: " turn-offs" (Show all posts)

Female Turn-offs -- 7 Ways to Scare Her Off For Good

Posted by John Dugan on Sunday, May 4, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Every girl has her own set of criteria for what her Prince Charming looks like. Interestingly, however, most woman agree on the criteria that makes a guy a frog - that they don’t want to kiss or date, for that matter. See what personality traits and first-date no-no’s are sure to start a guy off on the path to becoming a frog instead of a prince. Also learn why a healthy penis ensures at least one trait in the turn-on category.

1) Always seeking validation: The dude who is constantly a...

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No Sex Tonight - 9 Ways Men Accidentally Kill the Mood

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, In : Men's Health 

For some men, women rule their sexual universe. If she says, "Not tonight, dear," he might as well roll over, because he’s not going to get any. What many men don’t realize is that there are things they do on occasion that can be a real turn-off for women. Even the most careful man is sure to blow it once in a while - and sometimes the thing that is the deal breaker may be surprising. Learn 10 ways that men accidentally kill the mood and how to avoid them, as well as how to keep the peni...

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Sexual Turn-Offs - 10 Things Ladies Do That Can Kill the Mood

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, January 27, 2014, In : Men's Health 

While it is generally agreed upon that men are virtually always in a sex-ready state, there really are things that a woman can do - believe it or not, ladies - that are true boner killers. Well, let’s be honest, in some cases they might not be bad enough to actually stop sex altogether, but they can certainly cause a setback and may make him have to work a little harder to get the job done. The following list of 10 turn-offs are things that most guys find to be turn offs, so ladies who wan...

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