
Showing Tag: "butter" (Show all posts)

Got a Dry Penis? Shea Butter to the Rescue!

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, In : Men’s Issues 

Walk through any skincare aisle at any department store and look at the ingredients of most of the items there. Without a doubt, Shea butter will be at the top of the list. That’s because Shea butter is so well-known for its hydrating and healing properties - manufacturers of skincare products put it in almost anything, and will loudly tout the virtues of said ingredient. Shea butter has been used by millions over thousands of years, almost always with excellent results. Let’s take a clo...

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Itchy Penis? Use Shea Butter and Vitamin E

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, In : Men's Health 

The reasons a man might suffer an itchy penis are endless. Even with the best penis care regimen, every man is going to deal with an itchy penis from time to time. In many cases, that itching happens when he’s in a place where he can’t simply let it all hang out and scratch to his heart’s content. But if he uses the right ingredients to eliminate that itchy penis problem, he won’t have to worry about being embarrassed or caught in a situation where he can’t get to that maddening it...

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Shea Butter Offers Incredible Penis Health Benefits

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, May 30, 2018, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to penis health, men will search far and wide to find the products that enhance and soothe their manhood. By making the best products part of everyday penis care, a man often finds that over time, his penis is more handsome, supple and healthy than ever.

The problem is that too many men will jump from one product to another to find one that works. They will often try out the latest ‘hot’ thing on the market, only to find that they are incredibly disappointed. Much of that...

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Penis Health and Shea Butter – Why Nature’s Oldest Remedy is Man’s Best Friend

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 28, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Lathering up the penis with butter isn’t a very enticing concept. A guy who coats his rod with standard table butter, for example, isn’t likely to gain anything aside from greasy pants. Obviously, this is not a good idea. There is, however, one exception to the "No Butter on the Penis" rule: Shea butter. Penis health products that contain this ingredient offer significant benefits to the penis. Here's why.

A Rough Surface

Penile skin is subject to abuse day in and day out. Men may sc...

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Better Penis Health and Performance - Why Every Guy Needs Shea Butter

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, In : Men's Health 

A healthy dose of sex and an occasional shower could be all that a guy would put on his must-have list of penis care rituals. The sex keeps skin cells energized, while the bath washes germs down the drain. Sounds simple enough, right? In reality, a man's vital tool needs more than sex and suds to survive. In fact, this sensitive organ needs all sorts of nutritional support and emollient healing in order to function at an optimum level, day in and day out. Shea butter is just one must-have in...

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The Sexy and Surprising Benefits of Shea Butter

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, February 3, 2014, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to health and personal care products, most men either grab what is on sale or stick to whatever classic product they have been using for years, with little regard to what ingredients are listed on the label. It’s not surprising; in terms of hygiene products, men often just want something that gets them clean and doesn’t leave them smelling like a girl. However, while a man may not care if his skin is silky smooth, his partner might; and personal care manufacturers are (fina...

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Caring for the Penis with Shea Butter - Tips for a Healthy, Responsive Manhood

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, December 12, 2013, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to health, beauty, and anti-aging products, it is no secret that women have always had the inside scoop on the latest hot products. They know what works and seek out the best ingredients long before they make their way into products more likely to be used by men. But, while men might not be worried about a few wrinkles or laugh lines, one thing he does want to consider is the look and feel of the penis. That’s right, a man needs to take care of what he’s carrying around in ...

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Penis Health Secrets Unveiled - the Amazing Benefits of Shea Butter

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, October 21, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Every so often, it seems, there is a hot, new ingredient that takes the health care world by storm. Sometimes these new fads fizzle in a short while, but other times, the benefits of the ingredient are so desired that it stays strong and winds up in nearly every product under the sun. Shea butter is one of those revolutionizing ingredients that continues to pop up on product labels as one of the most sought after ingredients in skin care. But what exactly is Shea butter, and where does it co...

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Penis Health Improves Dramatically with Shea Butter

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, August 13, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
If you suffer from dry or irritated skin on the foreskin or shaft of the penis, Shea Butter is a potent topical product that may help. Shea butter is the vegetable fat extracted from the nut of the African Shea Tree (Vitellaria paradoxa). Used for hundreds of years throughout Sub-Saharan countries for its skin healing, moisturizing and decongestant properties, Shea Butter is now industrially extracted for use in cosmetics and skin products worldwide. Unlike many other pharmaceutical products ...

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