
Showing Tag: "chafed penis" (Show all posts)

5 Ways to Prevent Penis Chafing and Preserve Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, In : Men’s Issues 

Any kind of chafing is a bummer. It’s a hot, pins-and-needles sort of feeling that seems never to go away. A cool breeze or even the lightest sheet can be agonizing on a chafed penis. But penis chafing just happens, right? Well, not really. There’s a lot a man can do to avoid it. Let’s talk about five easy ways to prevent penis chafing that you should implement today.

Penis Chafing Prevention Tip #1: Lube Up!

It seems like a no brainer, but tons of men go dry when rubbing one out o...

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Say No to Penis Chafing: What to Use When the Lube Runs Out

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, In : Health 

It’s sorta like toilet paper. Lube is, that is. Because while the bottle is still full, or the roll is still plentiful, there are no worries. Everything is fine. But as the depletion begins, the brain starts to pop in. “Hey, buddy – remember to pick some lube up.” Then, of course, none is picked up. Fast-forward to the moment of need and then, boom, what to do? Without it, a man can count on penis chafing. Hmmm…is that a risk worth taking?

A pins-and-needles sensation. Redness. Rash...

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Penis Chafing: Everything You Need to Identify and Cure This Common Problem

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, May 28, 2018, In : Men's Health 

As any exercise enthusiast knows, penis chafing is a common and unsightly problem. Even though it’s largely innocuous, the discomfort caused by chafing can limit activity if not handled properly. Luckily, when given the right treatment, a chafed member can be cured quickly. The following are ways to identify a chafing, find the cause of the problem, and alleviate pain.

Chafing or Rash?

To stop the pain, it’s essential to figure out whether you’re dealing with a chafed groin, or jus...

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Workout Tips to Help Avoid Penis Pain

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, May 3, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Staying in shape can be tough, especially when delicate penis skin pays the price for all that sweaty action. While strenuous workouts are a great way to lose extra pounds, keep the heart healthy and encourage better overall health, a man should keep good penis care in mind before he hits the gym. A chafed penis is often an unfortunate side effect of all that great exercise, and penis pain might also be a result. Understanding how to prevent both is a surefire way to keep good health all aro...

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Forget a Chafed Penis – it’s the Refractory Period that’s Annoying

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, October 19, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Women are quite fortunate creatures. They can fully enjoy a sexual encounter with an eager and enthusiastic partner, savor the orgasmic bliss that comes from a satisfying romp, and be ready and raring to go again immediately. But for a man, the spirit might be willing but the body, not so much. Even with top-notch penis care, great overall health and more than a little desire for that lovely partner, a man has to deal with the refractory period - a time when no matter how much he wants to en...

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Dry Penis Problems: The Athlete with the Chafed Penis

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, August 22, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Engaging in good penis care is important for a man, and that can be especially true for athletes, who often find dry penis skin to be a recurring issue. Running, biking and other activities can result in a chafed penis, which can be both painful and unattractive. So what can an athletic man do to deal with dry penis problems?

Why does he get it?

A dry penis condition is hardly limited to men of an athletic nature. Even couch potatoes can come down with this affliction. But men who are on...

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The Chafed Penis and Jogging: Finding Relief for the Run

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, September 8, 2015, In : Men's Health 

The coming of autumn weather inspires many men to take up jogging, which is an excellent way to stay active and healthy. Unfortunately, as with any form of exercise, jogging also comes with some potential side effects - including the dreaded chafed penis. Those men that are taking up (or continuing with) a jogging or running program need to exercise proper penis care in order to deal with chafing and make their physical activity experience more enjoyable.


There are several st...

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Chafed Penis Problems: Sources and Solutions

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, May 30, 2015, In : Men's Health 

The penis is subject to an onslaught of friction throughout the day. This can lead to a dry and chafed penis, which is something no man wants. Chafing downstairs can lead to delays in sexual activity, toughening of the skin and desensitization, not to mention the daily nuisance of soreness and itchiness. In the interest of penis health, then, men should learn about the common sources of friction on the member and ways to mitigate their harm.


The causes of friction on the penis are...

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