
Showing Tag: "circumcised penis" (Show all posts)

Here Are 5 Things to Watch Out for When It Comes to Uncircumcised Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, March 9, 2020, In : Men's Health 

More men have foreskin than do not. However, how many men are really aware of all the issues they should be on the lookout for to keep their favorite appendage safe and secure? For men with uncircumcised dicks, the foreskin can cause a lot of problems if not cared for properly. With that in mind, here are 5 things to watch out for to keep your penis healthy as well as 8 uncircumcised penis health hacks to keep Mr. Willy healthy and happy for decades to come.

Be on the Lookout for: Injuries...

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Turtleneck vs Crewneck: Is Circumcision Necessary Today?

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, August 19, 2019, In : Men's Health 

It’s a little bit of skin that is causing a big old ruckus these days: Is circumcision a healthy act, or is it a brutal, antiquated ritual with no real merit? While there are several potential benefits of circumcision, can they really be described as medically necessary? Let’s go through the reason why someone might opt for circumcision, either for their infant son or personally as an adult.

What Is Circumcision?

What is circumcision? Well, it’s the surgical elimination of the foreskin...

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Adult Circumcision Before and After

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, December 28, 2018, In : Men's Health 

According to a report by CBS News, circumcision in male infants has been consistently trending down. As seen in information compiled by the Mayo Clinic, circumcision has dropped from 83 percent in 1977 to 77 percent in 2010. While the percentage of male babies is still quite significant, more parents are questioning circumcision, even with 50 percent of uncircumcised males experiencing some sort of medical condition in relation to their foreskin. As circumcision experiencing less “social no...

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Is Circumcision Necessary? Reasons for and Against the Ancient Practice

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 19, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Parents face this question when having a male child and adult men face it later in life: Is circumcision necessary? While there are plenty of reasons to get circumcised, very few of them could be classified as necessary. Generally, most reasons to get circumcised center around personal belief, medical issues, or social conditioning. Let’s look at some reasons that circumcision might be necessary and other reasons one may want to think twice before going under the knife.

What is Circumcisio...

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Adult Circumcision Pros and Cons

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, October 9, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which is the skin covering the tip of the penis. This practice originated in several religious rites and eventually became the norm in society today. It is usually done within the first few days of a child’s birth, Fthough it can be done at any time. Some adult men decide to get circumcised for religious conversion, hygiene, as the result of a complication of a disease like diabetes, or just for aesthetic effect.

Adult Circumcision Pros...

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Circumcision Pros and Cons: Joining the Debate

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, August 13, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Circumcision is a major decision that can have a lasting impact for every male. In some cultures, circumcision is a religious ceremony. In Judaism, the ritual is called brit milah, as is usually performed in the family home or synagogue when the baby is eight days old. The procedure is performed by a mohel who has both the religious and surgical training to perform the ritual circumcision. In Islam, it is called Khitan and is performed in a hospital before a boy hits puberty.

Sometimes cir...

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The Penis Foreskin: A Woman's Guide

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, September 19, 2015, In : Men's Health 

Although the majority of men worldwide are intact - that is, have a penis with a foreskin - in some parts of the world, such as the United States, most men are circumcised. In such areas, women rarely come into contact with a foreskin and so could benefit from a short guide to this body part. Although there is ongoing (and sometimes fierce) debate as to whether being circumcised or intact is "better" or has a positive impact on penis health, most intact men are quite satisfied with having a ...

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Uncircumcised Penis Myths - Get the Facts Straight

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, June 27, 2015, In : Men's Health 

A man with an uncircumcised penis in the U.S. gets a raw deal in many ways, at least when it comes to common conceptions about what he’s packing. There are many great things about having foreskin, but cultural myths have influenced opinions about penile hygiene and aesthetics that give the sheath a bad rap. But so long as a man practices routine penis care, his tool is likely not only healthy, but quite lovely to behold, foreskin and all. Getting to that realization requires dispelling the...

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Uncircumcised Penis – Facts to Dispel Unnecessary Fears

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, In : Men's Health 

Men with foreskins in the United States may feel self-conscious, and partners may not be sure what to do with a sheathed member upon their first encounter with one. For most men, the decision as to whether or not to be circumcised is made by their parents when they are newborns, informed by certain ideas about penis care. Few men elect to go under the knife later on in life unless a rare medical condition occurs. It’s important for intact men to know the facts about the uncircumcised penis...

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Circumcised Penis in Adulthood– 6 Reasons for Going Under the Knife

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 29, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Circumcision is a touchy subject, to be sure, but there are some penis care issues that this surgery can address. These are just a few of the common concerns men cite when they're asked why they'd choose to go under the knife to obtain a circumcised penis.

1) Persistent Odor

The foreskin works a little like a wrapper, protecting the glans (head) of the penis from contact with rough surfaces. But as that glans is nestled inside its shell, it's shedding skin cells and emitting all sorts of...

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Penile Cancer Prevention – Lifestyle Choices for Better Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, August 25, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Penile cancer is thankfully rare, but it can and does affect a small number of men every year. Therefore, it is important to understand the risk factors that can increase a man’s chances of developing this potentially deadly disease. The issues that are most commonly linked with penile cancer are described below, along with the appropriate penis care and lifestyle choices that can help men reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

1) Human papilloma virus. Men who have been exposed...

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Avoiding Foreskin Problems through Proper Care of the Uncircumcised Penis

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, August 25, 2014, In : Men's Health 

The foreskin is a double layer of tissue made up of smooth muscle, mucus membranes, skin, nerves and blood vessels. It covers the penis in uncircumcised men and provides a layer of protection for the glans. Because it contains a large number of nerve cells, the foreskin can be very sensitive and provide a great deal of pleasure. On the other hand, when foreskin problems occur, they can be quite painful, and in some cases, they can cause lasting damage to the penis. By practicing appropriate ...

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Circumcised Penis Care - Easier Than Ever with These 3 Simple Habits

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Let's face it: the average guy may spend more time caring for his car than he will caring for his body - especially his penis. But lack of attention to this important aspect of hygiene could result in a sore, smelly penis that can’t hold up during intimate play. Cleaning up is a vital part of a proper penis care program, meaning that every guy out there needs to make it part of their daily routine. Those dudes who have been circumcised have the advantage here, as their cleanup sessions can...

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The Uncircumcised Penis Debate - Are Woman For or Against?

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, February 6, 2014, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to the male anatomy, there are two distinctive ways that the actual penis itself can appear: with or without a foreskin. Sure, a man can try all sorts of tricks to see what makes him look bigger, longer or more attractive, but by the time a man reaches adulthood he is probably pretty used to the equipment that does - or perhaps doesn’t - come with his package. However, even with only two choices out there, the decision on whether or not to circumcise baby boys is one fretted ...

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Caring For The Uncircumcised Penis - Tips For Good Hygiene, Health And Penis Sensation

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, September 21, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Recent research concerning the benefits and drawbacks of circumcision seems to contradict itself, with one faction claiming that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection, while the other side denies the accuracy of this finding and notes that circumcision can lead to problems like diminished sensitivity and even impotence in some men.

While both sides of the argument may have some merits, most men are more immediately concerned about dealing with their own situation. For men who have an...

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