
Showing Tag: "erection problems" (Show all posts)

Can Opioids Cause Erection problems?

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, June 21, 2018, In : Men's Health 

The opioid crisis continues to be a hot button issue in the news, as the United States and other countries grapple with how to make this pain killer available for responsible medical use while at the same time limiting its availability for misuse and abuse. There have been numerous articles about the problem of abusing opioids in general - but too few men may be aware of the fact that opioid misuse could potentially lead to erection problems. While the opioids issue is bigger than this one c...

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Erection Problems and the Too-Hard Penis: Understanding Priapism

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Untold men dream of possessing a penis which maintains its hardness for hours (if not days) on end, believing that such would render sex god status upon a man. In fact, an erection which lasts for too long a time (as in the condition known as priapism) can be a detriment to penis health; indeed, priapism is generally considered a medical emergency and is not something to wish for at all. There are basically two forms of priapism, and the one known as non-ischemic priapism, while still seriou...

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Identifying Erection Problems - Diagnostic Tests for Loss of Penis Function

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Loss of erectile function is not just a problem for older men. A significant number of younger men - even those in their late teens and early twenties - may experience erection problems that inhibit their ability to enjoy a normal sex life. This problem can be distressing, frustrating, and embarrassing - not to mention self-fulfilling, as men who are worried about their ability to perform may inadvertently cause loss of penis function through anxiety alone. Fortunately, there is a vast numbe...

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Conquering Erection Problems - 7 Reasons it Might Not be Erectile Dysfunction after All

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, June 28, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Erection problems are often seen as a problem for older men, but the truth is that men of any age can experience a less-than-stellar performance from time to time. While a bedroom flop might seem like a reason for panic, men who have only occasional bouts of erectile loss may want to look at some other aspects of their lifestyle. Some non-ED causes of erectile problems are detailed below, along with some simple suggestions for improved penis health.

7 Non-ED causes of erection problems:


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