
Showing Tag: "fishy penis smell" (Show all posts)

What Does that Fishy Penis Smell Mean?

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Every man deals with offensive penis odor from time to time. In most cases, the solution is much more careful personal hygiene. With proper penis care, most smelly problems will go away rather quickly. But there is one particular odor many men have noticed, something like a fishy penis smell, that is not only humiliating but also quite concerning.

What causes that fishy penis smell?

No one likes to feel as though they stink. A man who has the occasional penis odor problem can usually rem...

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Penis Odor - Why It Occurs And How To Get Rid Of The Fishy Smell

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Among the many complaints about penis problems, unpleasant and off-putting odors are one of the most common. As a rule most men don’t like to talk about this kind of issue with their health care provider, but a fishy penis smell can be embarrassing and it is certainly not a turn-on for a potential sexual partner. Fortunately, getting rid of an unpleasant penis odor can be as simple as cleaning the skin properly and applying a penis crème which contains natural antibacterial agents and mois...

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What Causes Penis Odor And How To Stop It

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 24, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Several recent emails from clients have brought up a common penis problem that most men are not willing to talk about - the issue of penis odor. Even with men who take reasonably good care of their penis often encounter an unpleasant, fishy penis smell that is understandably a source of embarrassment. For instance, one woman writes:

My boyfriend showers every day and washes the area under his foreskin, but his penis always has an unattractive odor - the best way to describe it is that it smel...

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