
Showing Tag: "increasing penis sensitivity" (Show all posts)

Increasing Penis Sensitivity: A User’s Guide

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, October 22, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Been longing for a sensitive penis? Not the type that cries at The Notebook or writes poems in the rain, but one that is raring and ready to go like it used to be? Not sure how things got so insensitive? There are lots of reasons penises lose their sensitivity. It can be anything from age to overindulgence of many types to something as innocent as too tight Underroos! In the quest of increasing penis sensitivity, here are the things to stop doing and start doing to get that sensitive penis ba...

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Tips For Increasing Penis Sensitivity Without Drugs

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 10, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Loss of penis sensation is a common problem, even in younger men. Manufacturers of impotence drugs and penile enhancements often use this to their advantage to market pharmaceuticals that are generally ineffective and may cause harmful side effects. What many men do not realize is that penis sensitivity can be treated without resorting to drugs and gimmicks by following a few simple tips. In addition, regular use of a formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals can help to maintai...

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