
Showing Tag: "male" (Show all posts)

Sensual Toys Tip: Choosing a Male Organ Ring

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, January 18, 2020, In : Men's Health 

One of the oldest sensual toys (or, some would argue, sensual aids) is certainly the male organ ring, which in one form or another has been around for centuries. Arguably, the male organ ring is the most "accepted" of the sensual toys geared toward men and may well be the most-used. (Reliable statistics on such things are not easy to come by.) But even so there are millions of men who have never used a male organ ring and may have questions about how to use it so it doesn’t affect male org...

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Common PFCs May Affect Male Organ Size

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, December 23, 2019, In : Men’s Issues 

While male organ size really only becomes important in terms of sensual satisfaction only in extreme situations (such as possessing a genuine micro-manhood), it is often a source of concern among men - even those whose male organ size is perfectly respectable or even greater than average. Only rarely is it a male organ health concern - but research in recent years suggests that elements in the environment, specifically PFCs, may be affecting male organ size, and long term this could indeed b...

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Understanding Male Ejaculation and Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, December 19, 2019, In : Men’s Issues 

There is a widespread myth about male ejaculation - that the larger the result, the more virile the man must be. There is also the question of how much enjoyment he got from the sexual experience, as many people equate the amount or thickness of the ejaculate with sexual excitement. These myths can leave a man feeling rather self-conscious and unsure about his own body, which is quite the shame. So let’s address these myths and get down to the truth of the matter of penis health and male e...

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Male Ejaculation

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 11, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Most men know the mechanics of ejaculation and that it feels good, but how much do they know about the other stuff? Beyond getting a boner and how to make it rain love potion? Like what’s really in it, and how much is normal? Should a man try to do it all the time or save it up? Let’s have a little real talk about male ejaculation and those questions on the minds of many a man.

Orgasms and Ejaculation?

A man usually ejaculates at orgasm. However, a man can orgasm without ejaculating ...

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Can Shockwaves Shock the Member Dysfunction Out of a Male Organ? Let’s See!

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Male organ lost a little of its lightning? Shockwaves could be the answer to the member dysfunction problem. This still very new treatment was first tested in 2010 and has grown in popularity steadily since. Some herald this treatment as a savior for men suffering from a loss of sensitivity in their male organ. Others say it’s merely a placebo effect. Who’s right? Let’s take a look.

Member Dysfunction: Established Treatment Methods

Twenty years ago, the FDA approved the little blue...

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Male Ejaculation: Everything You Need to Know About Perceived Ejaculation Volume Reduction

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, October 9, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Instead of the exuberant firehose of his youth, a man may find himself moving to a spurting trickle when it comes to his love goo. What once was a thunderous tremor through the body upon orgasm is now a meek and mild jerk without a lot of fanfare or fireworks. When that happens, a man may have a weak erection or perceived ejaculation volume reduction. Male ejaculation is a simple but involved process that can age over time. If a man believes he may be experiencing weak ejaculation, or perceiv...

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Can Frequent Male Ejaculation Really Prevent Prostate Cancer? A Look at the Facts

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, October 2, 2019, In : Men's Health 

No doubt most men have heard about a study that claimed that men who ejaculate (by any means necessary) 21 or more times each month could cut their risk of prostate cancer significantly. Seems like the best excuse and reasoning to have lots of sex and solo play, right? However, this one study may not be the final say on the health benefits of male ejaculation. Settle in and read on to learn more about this study and what other similar studies are finding.

The “21 times a month” Study

In ...

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Male Masturbation Can Affect Intimate Relationships

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 8, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Science has shown that masturbation is very beneficial for men. It reduces stress, can prevent prostate cancer, and can make men better lovers. But in relationships, how does male masturbation impact an intimate, romantic relationship? Does it cause problems, or does it cause more orgasms? Here’s a look at the side effects of masturbation when it comes to relationships.

Male Masturbation: The Pros

1) It helps men learn about their bodies and sexual responsiveness through masturbation. Men...

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Ingrown Hair on the Penis 101: What, Why, and How to Get Rid of Them

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, July 19, 2019, In : Men's Health 

When a man sees bumps on his penis, it’s likely he might worry he has a communicable disease. However, one of the most common causes of these little annoyances are ingrown hairs on the penis. Thankfully, ingrown hairs aren't serious. There are many reasons they pop up and even more ways to treat and prevent them. But they can be irritating and embarrassing. Let’s breakdown theses pesky bumps on the penis and how to banish them from the bush.

What are Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs are hair...

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The Aging Penis and “Manopause”: What Every Man Needs to Know

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, March 22, 2019, In : Men's Health 

As a man ages, he becomes more distinguished, right? The silver foxiness in him comes out, he knows what makes a scotch good, and he has perfected his business portfolio. However, with all of those obvious benefits, he can also expect a dip in testosterone, which can change the game a bit. It’s usually around the late 40s and early 50s that a man may experience some noticeable changes, and the previously young penis morphs into an aging penis. The aging penis has learned much in life, but n...

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Everything a Man Ever Wanted to Know About Male Ejaculation

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, January 16, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Male ejaculation seems like a pretty simple thing. However, it’s a fairly complex process that only really gets investigated when problems like ED pop up. Every man should know the interworking of what needs to happen and what then occurs when men climax to have a better knowledge of self. Male ejaculation happens as the result of a series of steps involving multiple parts of the body (not just the penis!) working together. Let’s break down what happens from soup to nuts (pun completely i...

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Male Genital Odor: Where is That Smell Coming From?

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Is there anything worse than a smelly penis? If we asked your partner, they would probably say no. The good news is that male genital odor is usually environmentally based and easy to change through lifestyle modifications. Consider your diet, exercise and habits. It’s possible to change that unpleasant issue and have a sweet-smelling penis. Continue reading to find out what causes odor and how to beat it.

1) Smegma – This cheesy- looking substance that can build up in men whose hygiene ...

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Andropause is Not a Myth: The Very Real Symptoms of Male Menopause

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, January 5, 2019, In : Men's Health 

As men age, lots of things happen. They get wiser, they tell long stories about the trials and tribulations of walking 18 miles to school in two feet of snow wearing only flip-flops and calling Facebook “the Facebook.” Something that can also happen to men as they age is andropause. Never heard of it? Andropause is famously known as male menopause. Generally, this happens to men around the age of 50 when testosterone levels begin to dip. This can make a man feel a little or a lot differen...

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The P-Spot: Everything Every Man Should Know about the Male Perineum

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, November 30, 2018, In : Men's Health 

For years, the perineum has been a well-known erogenous zone, it a one that didn’t fully get the credit it deserves. Often referred to as the “taint” as in “it ain’t your balls and it ain’t your booty,” this nest of super nerves is a secluded vacation spot for, reportedly, the best orgasms many men have ever had. Let’s learn more about this mythical area and how best to utilize it to its “seeing stars” capacity.

Where is the P-Spot?

The P-spot lives in that small strip o...

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Causes of a Smelly Penis: How to Eliminate the Funk

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, November 24, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Nobody likes a smelly human, especially not when the odor comes from “down there.” For your partner’s sake, as well as your own, it’s important to understand the causes of a smelly penis and how to prevent that foul funk. Some of the top reasons for unpleasant crotch odor are outlined here:


The groin area is a perfect incubator for unpleasantness. Think about it: It’s humid, it’s hot, and it contains a number of apocrine glands that release smelly secretions. A buildup of ...

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Male Organ Function and Medications That Increase Prolactin

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, November 21, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Male organ health and male organ function are often linked, with a healthy manhood usually more likely to have fewer issues with male organ function. However, there can be factors which impede male organ function which come about even when a man is taking every step possible to ensure the health of his favorite organ. For example, sometimes medications taken for health issues unrelated to the member may still have some impact on the manhood. This can be the case with medications which, direc...

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Male Penile Shapes -- Normal and Abnormal, and What They Mean

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Everyone knows penises can range in size from Michelangelo’s David to adult-entertainer, Remington Steele. However, there’s not a lot of talk about the shape of the manhood. Yet its shape has a big effect on pleasure for a partner, but also on a man's health. Let's talk a little about male penile shapes, normal and abnormal, as well as how to maximize pleasure and when shape can mean that something might need a closer look from a doctor.

1) The Straight and Narrow – This is a penis tha...

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Five Causes of Decreased Male Organ Sensation and How to Get it Back

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 24, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Unfortunately, decreased Male Organ sensation is an inevitable certainty for most men. Simple aging can often lead many men to long for their members of old: members that stood hard and steadfast, and often were accompanied by a low refractory period between intimate encounters or solo-love. Don't believe it? Look at all of the money spent each year to reverse the loss of sensation in the male organ! Male performance aids, some more exotic in origin, are popped like Hubba Bubba in hopes that ...

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The Pros and Cons of Masturbation: Why It’s Good for You and What to Avoid

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, September 5, 2018, In : Men's Health 

A propensity for both males and females to engage in self-gratification is just one of the many features that make us human. Once considered a taboo subject, pleasuring oneself is increasingly recognized as a natural, healthy activity that has numerous benefits. On the other hand, old wives’ tales about hairy palms and blindness aside, too much of a good thing can, in fact, be damaging, especially when it comes to the penis. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of masturbation fro...

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Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, August 25, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Male menopause is a condition that affects men as they age. Also known as andropause, it describes the age-related changes in male hormone levels. Male menopause is most often denoted by a drop in the hormone testosterone in men 50 years of age or older. For the uninitiated, testosterone is made in the testes. It does more than just control libido; it also helps fuel mental and physical energy, maintain muscle mass, and regulate the fight-or-flight response. Unlike female menopause, not all ...

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Male Organ Size and Pleasure Satisfaction: A Connection?

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, August 22, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Even many men who sport a respectable endowment in the manhood department sometimes fantasize about having a larger member - in spite of the fact that male organ size is far less important in bed than male organ health and one’s skill with the equipment. And men do tend to associate male organ size with sensual satisfaction of a partner, especially when they are influenced by the monster-sized endowments found in so many adult videos. But does that association between male organ size and s...

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Self-Gratification Pros and Cons: Health Benefits vs. Risks

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, August 18, 2018, In : Men's Health 

It seems only yesterday that self-gratification was either talked about only in secret or was considered the butt of a joke. Once considered taboo, there were several myths and old wives’ tale about self-pleasure that proclaimed that self-gratification could make someone go blind, lose their fertility, or grow hairy palms.

Let's take away the myth and shame and get down to what self-gratification is, what the benefits are, what to watch out for, and how to keep the member is in good shap...

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Controlling Male Organ Odor Caused by Alcohol

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, August 8, 2018, In : Men's Health 

For many, this summer has been an especially hot one - and more than a few dudes have addressed that heavy heat situation by knocking back a fair share of cold ones. While a frosty beer can feel especially good when the temperature soars, it’s possible that imbibing alcohol - whether in the form of beer, wine or liquor - can contribute to a male organ odor situation in some men. And since rank male organ odor is a major male organ health concern for many, and since the summer weather can a...

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Male Multiple Orgasms: Myth or Fact?

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, July 13, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Men have long been fascinated by the fact that women are capable of having multiple orgasms. Perhaps because so many men find their own orgasms to be so enjoyable, males are often curious as to whether they could ever be capable of experiencing those multiple waves of pleasure. And if so, how? Is it a matter of some lucky physical trait? Or is a man simply going to have to get used to the fact that one wonderful orgasm is enough and not be greedy about having more?

Multiple orgasms

What ...

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Male Organ Odor: Poor Hygiene, or Medical Condition?

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, July 9, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Managing male organ health is important for a man, and while it generally is not something that is especially time-consuming, it pays off. As every man knows, one of the most common issues involves male organ odor. When the odor is especially strong and unpleasant, it can create problems with partners and potential partners; it can also simply be embarrassing to a man in social situations if a fishy male organ odor wafts out from underneath his clothing.

There can be multiple factors behin...

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Does Low Testosterone Impact Sexual Health? Understanding Male Menopause

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, July 6, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Although many people have negative feelings toward aging, getting old is still better than the alternative (as has been said many times). In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about male menopause (also sometimes called andropause), a change in men which is purported to be similar to the "change of life" that women experience. Since male menopause would definitely be a penis health concern, it’s good to spend a little time looking at andropause and understanding just what it is and...

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Male Organ Evolution: The Development of the Male Anatomy

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, July 6, 2018, In : Men's Health 

A man’s member is a source of endless pride - and, let’s face it, fascination. Especially as a youth, males tend to spend a great deal of time studying and exploring their tool. And why not? Such activity helps a man better understand this important body part and become an expert at understanding how it works. That hopefully paves the way for better male organ care throughout his life. But though many men are anxious to understand how their member works and what they can do to make it wo...

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Symptoms of Male Menopause- Causes and Treatment Options

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, In : Men's Health 

When talking menopause, most people automatically associate it with middle-aged women, but men can also experience something similar. Symptoms creep up slowly, until one day, a normal work schedule becomes almost overwhelming due to unexplained fatigue; and a sex-drive that was always geared high has slowly faded away. Usually, when these symptoms begin to occur, they are followed by the one symptom that gets the most attention, and a visit to the doctor- erectile dysfunction. It is at that ...

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Can BPAs Damage a Healthy Member?

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Practicing regular male organ care is one habit from which every man can benefit. After all, maintaining a healthy member is a prerequisite for having a happy (and active) member. In addition to taking typical steps like washing regularly and giving it plenty of exercise, guys need to look into other issues which could adversely affect their manhood. One which has arisen in recent years, surprisingly, is the effect BPAs can have on a healthy member.

About BPAs

BPA is short for bisphenol...

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The Dangers of Herbs for Male Enhancement

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, February 27, 2018, In : Men's Health 

Many men will do anything to have a handsome penis, and kudos to them for keeping up with the excellent penis care that can make it possible! But for some, the worries that their penis just isn’t up to par (even if it is just fine indeed) can lead them to look for a type of penis care that is risky, dangerous and certainly not recommended. Herbs for male enhancement is a niche market for those who seek a more handsome penis and aren’t afraid to risk their health to get it.

The truth is...

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Healthy Manhood & Healthy Home: Sensual Tips for the Home

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 4, 2017, In : Men's Health 

A healthy manhood is the ultimate goal of all who make proper member care a priority in their lives, of course. And while a healthy manhood is in and of itself a laudable achievement, most men tend to value that health because it increases their ability in bed. Many pursue sensual tips to help them have greater impact with their partners, but don’t realize that some home factors can impact male organ health and activity - even if they don’t directly involve the organ itself.

Yes, high ...

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Male Menopause: A Myth or Real Penis Problem?

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 17, 2017, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to male menopause, there is quite a debate swirling about the question of just how common it really is - or if it is real at all. The fact of female menopause is well-documented and is an accepted part of life for every woman, as they will all go through ‘the change.’ But what about men? Doesn’t it make sense that a guy will suffer through the same decline in hormone production that women deal with at some point in their lives? In fact, men who practice good penis care an...

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Manhood Pain: Phimosis or Paraphimosis?

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, July 24, 2017, In : Men's Health 

While most matters revolving around the circumcised/intact debate don’t have a huge impact on male organ health, a couple of manhood pain issues land squarely in the intact male camp - mainly because they involve the prepuce itself. Many intact men have heard of phimosis and paraphimosis - but many aren’t sure what each of them means and how they are different. And they are different, even if they both result in some manhood pain


Phimosis refers to a situation in which the ...

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Unusual Hair Growth: Is it a Manhood Problem or a Normal Thing?

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, July 1, 2017, In : Men's Health 

It might seem impossible, but it’s true: everyone’s body is covered with hair. In many cases, it’s obvious: hair on legs and arms tends to be darker than the skin, for example, and easily seen. But there are some areas of the body that have very fine, light hair that can only be seen very close-up. For some men, there appears to be no hair at all on the male organ, but for others, the hair they expect to see in their midsection extends all the way down the member shaft. Many see this a...

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How to Boost Penis Health and Male Fertility

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, March 22, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Men often think about their penis health, and make a point of practicing excellent penis care along the way. When it comes to male fertility, it rarely crosses a man’s mind until the time comes to put that fertility to good use. It’s important to start right now, however, in ensuring male fertility and penis health are top-notch - so that when the time comes to try to get a partner pregnant, he will be ready.

Male fertility and penis health can be improved through the following steps: ...

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Delayed Male Ejaculation and Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, March 2, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Many guys, especially those who are "quick on the trigger," would do just about anything to be able to engage in sex for hours on end without ejaculating. But men who actually experience delayed male ejaculation find this to be a burden rather than an asset. Even men who practice exceptional penis care may find themselves one of the fairly rare victims of delayed male ejaculation - and they may not be happy about it.

Does it exist?

Many men don’t believe there is such a thing as delay...

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Is That Bent Member Related to Hearing Problems?

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, January 23, 2017, In : Men's Health 

An excessively bent member may impede the ease with which a man engages in sensual activity with a partner; this is one of the main reasons why a man may feel anxiety when noticing curvature in his manhood. As those with knowledge of male organ health may already know, some curvature in the manhood is common in many men; it is only when the member is curved to an atypical degree that it can become an issue and drive a man to seek out the root cause.

Here’s something to consider: if a man...

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How Getting Older Affects Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, January 16, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Time changes everything - including the penis. A man who practices regular penis care might notice a few small changes here and there as he gets older, until one day things are decidedly different than they were just a few years ago. There might be signs of male menopause. There might be issues with the health of the area around the penis, including the scrotum. In most cases, these changes are perfectly normal signs of aging.

How the penis changes with age

As a man gets older, his penis...

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Retrograde Ejaculation: When Male Ejaculation Goes Awry

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 21, 2016, In : Men's Health 

When something moves backward, it is considered to be in retrograde. It’s usually attributed to planets and other celestial bodies, and often mentioned in horoscopes (as in: ‘With Venus in retrograde, your relationships will come under scrutiny around the end of the month’). But to hear retrograde associated with male ejaculation is enough to make any man take notice. Men who practice excellent penis care need to know what retrograde ejaculation is and what it means if they notice it h...

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Evaluating Penis Health: Male Ejaculation Facts

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, November 11, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Men should always be very aware of every aspect of their penis health. This includes engaging in excellent penis care on a daily basis, as part of a regular routine. This careful attention can alert a man to any changes as soon as they happen, such as redness, irritation, bumps or other concerns. But there are other factors to consider as well, such as the power and frequency of erections, as well as the volume of male ejaculation.

What to Know about Male Ejaculation

Many men are concern...

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Male Birth Control is Finally Here – or Is It?

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, November 3, 2016, In : Men's Health 

After decades of promises and false starts, what all men have wanted has finally become a reality. No, we’re not talking about that awesome threesome with a few ladies from the latest Swimsuit Edition (though if a man does happen to be so lucky, please, do share the tale!). We’re talking about something so responsible, so practical, that it will make a man’s head spin - and a woman’s, too. Now, an integral part of good penis care might actually be found in a simple injection or a lit...

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4 Myths About Reduced Penis Sensitivity

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, June 29, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Penis sensitivity is a tricky subject. While sensitivity is all relative, a general measure all men can usually agree on is ease of orgasm. Most men have little difficulty climaxing, but a number of factors, ranging from masturbation frequency to biological issues can cause reductions in penis sensitivity.

This aspect of penis health is closely bound to men’s sexual fulfillment. A decreased ability to orgasm is obviously a detriment to a fulfilling sex life. Penis sensitivity is hardly t...

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Penis Facts: Developing Positive Male Body Image

Posted by John Dugan on Sunday, June 28, 2015, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to male body image, men’s ideas are likely shaped by the images they see in various media. Weight and muscle mass are two popular areas of concern for men, but particularly notable are body image issues surrounding the penis. Anxiety about what is "normal" and "right" for the penis can range from the occasional nuisance to chronic stress that creates mental and sexual health problems. Part of good penile care is maintaining a positive view of what one is packing. Guys should ...

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Penis Size and the Female Orgasm: Are they Linked?

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, June 20, 2015, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to the vaginal orgasm, there is much that researchers still don’t know for sure. The percentage of women who experience internal orgasms (not involving clitoral stimulation), whether their ability to is biological or determined by other factors, whether internal and external orgasms are the same and what nerve paths are activated during release are among the many outstanding questions present in the scientific community. But what many men want to know is: Does penis size matt...

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Healthy Sex Life Equals Healthy Life

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, May 7, 2015, In : Men's Health 

The pleasure that comes with sex is more than enough to make most people want to perform the act. But men and women alike may be pleased to learn that a healthy sex life contributes to a healthy life overall in many ways. Most know that frequent sexual activity is good for one’s mood and for men’s penis health, but may be surprised to discover just how far-reaching the health benefits of this highly enjoyable activity are. The following are what people with active sex lives can look forw...

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Female Orgasm - What Men should Know

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, April 24, 2015, In : Men's Health 

Men have many questions related to the female orgasm, one of the primary ones being: Why isn’t she having them? While climax is the result of sex for most men nearly every time, women often don’t get their rocks off from penetration alone, and some may also not get there, at least every time, through manual or oral stimulation. Along with practicing proper penis care, men can improve their sex lives by learning more about the female orgasm, the elusiveness of which may be causing them to...

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Sex Tips - Date Movie Do's and Don't's

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, In : Men's Health 

Going to a date movie is de rigueur for couples, although for some men the experience can be on the boring side. Nonetheless, numerous sensual tips mention the need for a man to make an effort to share the interests of his partner, which only makes sense and is really quite fair. Guys sometimes think that successful dating involves nothing more than being masculine and entertaining, and making sure their male organ care regimen has kept them ready for action. That only scratches the surface,...

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Female Orgasm and Sex Positions: Tips for Men to Keep in Mind

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, February 19, 2015, In : Men's Health 

Some men have an unfortunate misconception that can cause a feeling of insecurity or even frustration in the bedroom: Women should orgasm from penetration alone. According to the available research, this occurs in only about a quarter of women. Most require clitoral stimulation in order to reach the big finish. Along with not pressuring oneself to get her there - and, of course, not pressuring her to get there - men can inform themselves on things they can do in bed to increase her enjoyment...

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Dry, Itchy Male Organ Skin - Dietary Changes May Help

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, November 7, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Using a moisturizer is one of the best ways to deal with dry, itchy male organ skin. But there are some manhood care tips men can follow in order to heal from the inside out. One of those tips involves changing the diet. By amending the foods a guy puts on his plate, he could increase the moisture level in his skin. If he does that, he could see his dry male organ concerns vanish.

What to Add

Skin uses oil in order to trap moisture at the surface. The slick sheen of oil doesn't allow wat...

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Male Enhancement Techniques – More Risk than Reward

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Despite the fact that they often fall into the average length range, and that their partners are completely satisfied, many men are anxious about penis size. This turns men into easy prey for product manufacturers looking to make a buck off people’s deep-seated fears. The promise of a bigger penis can convince a worried man to go to considerable lengths (pun intended), but, all-too-often, that promise is a lie. In order to maintain proper penis health, it’s important for men to know the ...

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Lovemaking Headaches – What they Mean and What to Do

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, October 24, 2014, In : Men's Health 

For most people, lovemaking is an important part of overall mental and physical well-being. This stress-relieving, pleasure-inducing, partner-bonding activity ticks a lot of boxes in the quality of life department. For men in particular, frequent male organ play, either with a partner or with oneself, is healthy. When the organ is firm, it is pumped full of fresh blood; the nutrients and oxygen in the blood help keep male organ tissues nourished and strong. Regular use can lead to stronger p...

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Male Organ Fractures – Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, September 19, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Lots of things can cause a sore male organ. Usually, a day or two of resting the member is sufficient to get back to normal. Think of all the forces and frictions a man’s tool is subjected to on a daily basis - rubbing against clothing, pumping in the hand and pounding up against others’ body parts. A little pain here and there is no surprise. But a severely sore male organ, along with other symptoms, may be the sign of a serious condition. Maintaining proper male organ health requires t...

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Male Fertility Breakthrough - Are Sperm Made from Skin Cells the Future of Infertility Treatments?

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, June 13, 2014, In : Men's Health 

There is nothing more dreaded by a couple struggling to have a baby than the word infertility. For some couples, this means that they will need to use the help of science to do what so many others are able to do naturally. Unfortunately, for too many couples, this could be the end of their dreams of conception, because in-vitro fertilization and other standard fertility treatments are quite expensive and can be cost prohibitive for many families. Still, scientists are making research strides...

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Men’s Sexual Health News - Is the Male Birth Control Pill the Future of Sex?

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, May 22, 2014, In : Men's Health 

When it comes to dealing with contraception, the primary responsibility tends to fall on the woman; and this is especially true in monogamous and married relationships where condoms are given up, as there is no longer a perceived need to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections. When it comes to simply preventing pregnancy with hormonal birth control methods, women often have the final say - as they should - as they are the ones who have to use the method and deal with potential ...

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Female Turn-offs -- 7 Ways to Scare Her Off For Good

Posted by John Dugan on Sunday, May 4, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Every girl has her own set of criteria for what her Prince Charming looks like. Interestingly, however, most woman agree on the criteria that makes a guy a frog - that they don’t want to kiss or date, for that matter. See what personality traits and first-date no-no’s are sure to start a guy off on the path to becoming a frog instead of a prince. Also learn why a healthy penis ensures at least one trait in the turn-on category.

1) Always seeking validation: The dude who is constantly a...

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Simple Penis Health Tricks - Resolving the Boxers vs. Briefs Debate

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, March 1, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Boxers or briefs? The decision may be one the typical man spends little time contemplating. Likely, his decision mostly comes down to comfort and maybe even a little bit of style. However, the truth of the matter is, what a guy is wearing under his jeans may have more of an impact on his sexual health than he is aware. Learn which style is best suited to optimal penis health and why.

Although the old question usually revolves around "boxers or briefs," there are more styles of men’s unde...

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Stronger Orgasms for Men - The Magic Move to Try Today

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, February 1, 2014, In : Men's Health 

What man wouldn’t want to have a stronger orgasm? No man who is sexually active, that’s for sure. In fact, most men are willing to go to extreme measures to try to improve their sex lives! But for all the crazy things men are willing to do for great sex, very few of them are aware of the one thing they can do to improve their sex lives at home, for free, with absolutely zero side effects. Interested? Read on to learn how a man can achieve mind-blowing orgasms with this one simple step an...

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Beyond Vagina 101 - Curious but Crucial Facts for Men

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, January 17, 2014, In : Men's Health 

For many men, a woman’s lady bits present a sense of mystery and wonder (although the same could likely be said for a female getting acquainted with a man’s equipment). Even the man who has had plenty of experience with the world down under is sure to have a few questions rolling around. Finally, get the answers to those questions that are too embarrassing to ask a woman, as well tips on how to maintain the male equipment for a healthy penis 24/7 - and better sex.

Why does it make nois...

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Male Shy Bladder Syndrome - Parauresis Treatments and Coping Strategies

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, In : Men's Health 

What is shy bladder syndrome?

Shy bladder syndrome, or parauresis, simply refers to the inability - or reduced ability - to urinate in public, in the company of others. In milder cases, a man might have trouble using a public urinal in a busy venue - such as a sports arena - while in more severe cases, men might be so limited that social events and even long plane rides are out of the question. Clearly, this issue can severely impair a man’s ability to participate in regular activities -...

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Decreased Male drive - Myths and Facts about Male Menopause

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, October 4, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Male menopause - myth or fact?

It is common knowledge that women enter a period of life known as menopause, when their hormone levels change drastically and they no longer menstruate, signaling the end of their childbearing years. Men also experience a similar decrease in male hormone levels, and in order to draw a parallel to the female life cycle, this dropping off in androgen levels is popularly referred to as male menopause. However, while men can be affected by some of the symptoms ex...

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Burning Penis Diagnosis - Signs and Symptoms of a Male UTI

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, September 21, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Urinary tract infections are one of those diseases that seem to affect women more often than men, but guys are certainly not immune. Having a male UTI is a nasty business that can result in a burning penis and pain on urination. While there is no fool-proof prevention for this unpleasant occurrence, knowing how and why they happen can save men a lot of hurt that can last for days. Some simple suggestions for penis care can also help men to reduce their risk of contracting a UTI.

What is a ...

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Penis Health Matters - Everything Men Need to Know About Smegma

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 8, 2013, In : Men's Health 

The human body is an efficient machine, capable of handling a variety of tasks without receiving any sort of direction whatsoever. Much of the body's fluids are produced via these unconscious methods, developing whether a man wants them or not. Most men discover this fact when they first discover a thick, vaguely smelly coating on the tip of the penis, which is often mistaken for male yeast infection. This substance is known as smegma, and while it's not necessarily harmful, it can cause pro...

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Boost Male Fertility Rates with These 6 Tips

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, June 28, 2013, In : Men's Health 

The male body is designed to create hundreds of thousands of little swimming cells that can seek out a fertile egg and allow a new life to begin. Often, there's little a man needs to do to make this process take place, aside from finding a willing partner. However, some men need to give the body a little boost in order to ensure good sperm production and high male fertility rates. Proper penis care, explained in these 6 tips, could help that man to reach his goal.

1. Choose the Right Under...

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Male Menopause - Fact or Fiction

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, March 22, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and irritability are signs of menopause a women - and often her partner - become all too familiar with. While men are lucky enough to not have such a physical deadline related to their sexual health staring them square in the face, they do experience a decline in sexual functioning, albeit a more gradual one. Andropause, or male menopause, is a condition that occurs in some aging men and is similar to menopause experienced by women. While certain effect...

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Caring For Your Body After A Vasectomy

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Every day, men across the United States agree to undergo vasectomies. In this 20-minute surgery, the tubes that carry semen out of the body are severed, and men are typically allowed to go home just minutes after the cutting is complete. While most of the healing takes place in the testicles, performing adequate penis care can help men to heal up quickly and avoid medical complications.

Surgical Site Care

There are multiple techniques experts can use to perform a vasectomy, but most involve ma...

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Varicocele - A Scrotum Problem: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 26, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Varicocele is a condition in which dilated, or widened, veins in the scrotum cause the veins to fill up with blood, resulting in a painful and unpleasant problem which can result in serious health problems. Varicocele occurs in up to 25% of males between the ages of 13 and 30. Although a definitive cause is not yet known, dietary factors, genetics and lifestyle are considered to play a large part in this condition. If you think you may have a varicocele, consult your healthcare professional w...

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Herbs For Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, October 26, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
When experiencing problems with penis health and sexual dysfunction many men turn towards plant medicines and alternative health supplements. But how is one to know what works and what is bogus? Many herbal medicines contain penis-specific vitamins and active chemicals and others do not so one would do well to do a little research before purchasing any herbal product. If this important step is omitted then a man can run the risk of wasting money on pills marketed to improve male hormone balan...

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This Amino Acid Is Magic Bullet For Penis Health

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, October 5, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Most men are after a magic bullet to restore their youthful virility and ensure sexual vitality. While few products can honestly claim to do just that, there is one that does come close to having magic-bullet-status. L-Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that is often used for its weight loss properties -- but the benefits do not end there. Penis sensitivity, skin health, libido and sexual satisfaction are all improved by this penis-specific nutrient. L-Carnitine is an amino acid involved...

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Myths And Facts About Penis Size

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, September 26, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Siblings, friends, television, commercials and marketing campaigns -- everyone is saying something different about the penis. Shoe sizes, penis supplements, vitamins and minerals, and deodorants - while some prove beneficial in attracting women others do not. It can all get a bit confusing! While a lot of myths have been debunked, it is surprising how few men might know the real facts. It's the age of information, but it is still difficult to figure out what is true and what is not. Knowing t...

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Male odor -- Five Steps To Avoid It

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, In : Penis Health 
Bad body odor is no friend to man. While male sweat contains chemical pheromones and testosterone that usually makes him more attractive to the ladies, an unpleasant body odor is one of the largest turn-off's there is for women. If the body odor is centralized in the genital region, it may also be a sign of something seriously going wrong downstairs. Take some effective steps in eliminating the problem, including washing regularly, using professional products, and increasing vitamins for geni...
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Male masturbation can result in loss of penis sensation

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 19, 2011, In : penis care 
Masturbation is a natural part of a healthy sex life. In fact, we all learn to masturbate at an early age and this act becomes more frequent as we get older. The act of masturbation allows men and women worldwide to understand their own sexuality and what does or does not turn them on. However, over masturbation, especially male masturbation, can lead to a reduction in penis sensation and penis sensitivity.

How does male masturbation result in loss of penis sensation?

Male masturbation in e...
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Man1 Man Oil Maintaining Health for the Male Organ

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, September 9, 2011, In : Men’s Issues 
The market is flooded with products that claim to enhance male organ strength and endurance, with increased longevity and satisfaction assured. In fact, in this age of consumerism there honestly is a product available for every concern. However, one of the biggest problems that consumers face is finding the right product for them as they wade through the many possibilities.

Man1 Man Oil Ingredients and Benefits

Man1 Man Oil contains a combination of essential vitamins, minerals, and vital n...
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