
Showing Tag: "painful urination" (Show all posts)

Top 5 Non-STI Causes of Painful Urination in Men, and How to Fix Them

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, February 10, 2020, In : Men's Health 

Men like to pee. Sometimes there is something so satisfying about a prolonged, robust urination for all to hear. However, it becomes a lot less satisfying and, instead, scary, when a man experiences pain during urination. Having a fire-breathing penis is not the fun, comic-worthy asset it might appear to be. A burning pee is quite uncomfortable and can sometimes be a cause for concern. It’s not always caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Let’s talk about some non-STI causes ...

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Some Things That Can Cause Painful Urination in Men and How to Fix Them

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 8, 2019, In : Men's Health 

Getting hot down there? Has peeing become something equivalent to medieval torture? It’s time to figure out what’s going on. Painful urination in men can be the result of many things. Painful urination, dysuria for the medical-term lovers, affects the bladder and all the other parts that have a role in urination. Here are seven causes of painful urination; the most common may be surprising.

#1: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

There is a common misconception that UTIs are only experienced ...

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Experiencing Painful Urination? 6 Non-STI Causes of Pain During Urination

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, July 19, 2019, In : Men's Health 

When a man’s penis feels like it’s the King of Dragons, it’s a no bueno kind of feeling. Seeing as healthy men pee between six to eight times each day, it can be a bathroom showdown of how fast a man can urinate before the pain knocks him out. Painful urination, or dysuria, is a condition that affects the bladder and nearby body parts. There are many causes from something simple to the more complex and everything in between. Here are six common non-STI causes of painful urination and h...

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Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? 5 Causes of Pain During Urination in Men

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, December 7, 2018, In : Men's Health 

It’s fiery, it’s prickly, and it’s downright unbearable – when a man feels pain during urination it’s certain to make him paranoid. Dysuria, fancy doctor-speak for painful urination is the condition that affects the bladder and its nearby parts. While it’s true that STDs can cause pain during urination, there are several other potential causes of painful urination and thankfully, most of them are treatable. Here’s a quick rundown of five of the most common causes of pain during ...

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Penis Health – When to See a Doctor for Painful Urination

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, October 9, 2014, In : Men's Health 

The penis can do many magical things. It can provide a man with a lot of pleasure. It can help him to please someone else. And, if combined with another body, it can even help to bring a new life into the world. But the penis does a lot of other lowly stuff, too. For example, many times during the day, it's a simple pee delivery device. While urination might not be sexy, it's an important part of everyday life. Those who can't urinate just don't survive. But there are all sorts of things tha...

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Burning Penis Pain - What to Do When It Hurts to Pee

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Ouch! Nothing gets a man’s attention faster than the feeling of passing fire at the urinal. Any man who has experienced painful urination knows that it is nothing to be taken lightly. Not only is it a particularly painful predicament, but penis pain on urination could be a sign that medical attention is needed. Read on to learn some possible causes behind this prickly problem, as well as lifestyle tips for keeping the penis healthy and pain free.

Why does it hurt to pee?

  • Is it an undi...

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Painful Urination in Men - Is Penis Infection to Blame?

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 4, 2013, In : Men's Health 

For most men, a pain-free tinkle is something that is taken for granted. That is, of course, until a painful urination episode occurs. This condition can leave a man wondering, what are the causes of pain during urination? Is it common in men, or is it something to worry about? When is it cause for concern? All these questions and more are answered below, as well as a few helpful tips for keeping the penis healthy and pain free.

What are some causes of pain during urination?

Anytime a pa...

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Understanding Penis Pain - What Men Should Know When it Hurts to Pee

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, In : Men's Health 

There is no way around it. When nature calls, it has to be answered relatively quickly. Most men take for granted that when that super-sized soda, or venti caramel macchiato with soy needs to exit the body, it will do so in a pain-free manner. However, what happens when a few drops of pee feel like needles shooting out of the penis? Or when a trip to the urinal burns with the fire of a thousand suns? Unfortunately, sometimes it hurts to pee. When this occurs, it is best to find out what the ...

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Pain During Urination -- What it Could Mean

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, August 16, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Men who experience the sensation of pain, burning or discomfort during urination may suffer from a range of health problems, and proper diagnosis to determine the cause is important. Infection, inflammation, obstruction and cancer of the urinary and reproductive systems are all possible causes of painful urination. Men who do not get enough penis specific vitamins may be more at risk of these penis health problems. The sooner a man visits his doctor and acquires an official diagnosis, the qui...

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