
Showing Tag: "penis ring" (Show all posts)

Penis Health Can Be Fun with Homemade Toys

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, November 20, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Looking for a way to spice up good penis care? A man who wants to make the most of his penis health but also wants to get a little adventurous can do so very easily with a variety of homemade sex toys. These toys - specifically, the quite popular penis ring - can be made with things lying around the house, or even with a quick trip to the store for a discreet purchase that won’t embarrass a man at all. Here’s how it’s done.

What are some ways to create penis rings?

Many men are ner...

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Sex Toys Guide: Sex with a Penis Ring

Posted by John Dugan on Monday, September 25, 2017, In : Men's Health 

They used to be something that no man (and few women) admitted to using, but nowadays more and more guys are using and discussing sex toys. And while there are quite a few male sex toys to choose from, lots of guys tend to start with a tried-and-true basic: the penis ring. Since men should always have proper penis care in mind when experimenting, now is a good time to provide some helpful tips for penis ring use. Though essentially safe, as with anything new involving sex, it’s good to hav...

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DIY Penis Rings for DIY Fun

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, March 5, 2014, In : Men's Health 

In the world of male sex toys, the penis ring may well be the most popular and widely used. Even though dozens of manufactured rings are available, some men prefer to go with a homemade version. As long as attention is paid to ensure proper use and continued good penis health, homemade penis rings can be a fun DIY experience.

Why homemade?

There are a number of reasons why a man might prefer a DIY penis ring to one that can be purchased at a sex toy shop or online. Some of these reasons ...

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Penis Rings - Man's Best Friend or Worst Enemy

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, February 20, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Sex can be speedy and simple, little more than two bodies and a bit of privacy. But many couples enjoy spicing up regular intercourse by trying new sex toys between the sheets. These nifty little instruments can add intensely pleasurable sensations to lovemaking, enhancing the experience for both partners. But sex toys may also cause damage. One of the most popular, yet risky, toys on the market is the penis ring: a small hoop that a man places around the base of his penis to achieve a stron...

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