
Showing Tag: "reduced penis sensation" (Show all posts)

Losing Penis Sensitivity? It Might be RPS

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, January 7, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Losing penis sensitivity is a fear of every man, and unfortunately, science has shown that penis sensitivity does often go on a downhill slide as a man ages. The use of a top-quality penis health crème and excellent daily penis care can help a man maintain sensitivity for as long as possible. However, there are some men who might deal with a decrease in sensitivity quite early in life; this is known as Reduced Penis Sensation, or RPS.

What is RPS?

RPS is exactly what it sounds like - th...

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Dealing with Reduced Penis Sensation – How to Increase Penile Sensitivity

Posted by John Dugan on Saturday, February 2, 2013, In : Men's Health 

Reduced penis sensation, or RPS, is popularly believed to be a side effect of aging. However, men as young as their teens and early twenties, as well as older men, often report lack of penis sensitivity. In some cases, the problem affects only certain parts of the penis, but some men are able to experience very little in the way of tactile stimulation, making it difficult for them to enjoy sexual activity.

Men with RPS often experience loss of confidence, frustration, and even depression a...

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Penile Sensitivity Loss Could Be Due To This

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, October 18, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
Penile sensitivity loss can be a considerable problem for men of all ages. Loss of sensation of the shaft and head is often viewed as a natural result of aging, or of reduced levels of testosterone (a condition often referred to as Low T or male menopause). However, the fact is that men of all ages may develop problems with penis sensation; even before they reach twenty years of age.

Penis sensation can be affected by numerous factors. While Low T and aging are, of course, related to sensitiv...

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Penile Sensitivity Nerve Damage And Loss Of Sensitivity

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, In : Men’s Issues 
According to a study conducted by Claire Yang and William Bradley of the University of Washington, Seattle, the dorsal nerve, which runs along the top of the penis, is the most important nerve in terms of the sexual response. Furthermore, the glans, or head of the penis, is overall the most sensitive, as it is filled with a large number of nerve endings.

Because this neural tissue is so important to the experience of sexual pleasure, maintaining nerve health is essential. Handling the penis p...

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