
Showing Tag: "skin peeling on penis" (Show all posts)

Causes of Penis Peeling and How to Fix It

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, In : Men's Health 

What makes a man’s dick red and flaky and painful all over? Penis peeling! If a man is seeing skin flaking off and things just aren’t right, he needs to keep reading. Many things can lead to skin peeling on the penis. Some serious, but most are easy to remedy and don’t affect a man long-term. Let’s take a look under the hood and see what’s causing all this penis peeling.

Penis Peeling Cause #1: Allergic Reaction

An allergic reaction, or contact dermatitis for the fancy fold, is...

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What’s Causing Skin Peeling on the Penis and How to Stop the Peel ASAP

Posted by John Dugan on Thursday, July 18, 2019, In : Men's Health 

It’s the banana no man wants to see peeled. When skin is peeling on a man’s penis, it is a precarious situation. Oftentimes, a man won’t know his member is peeling until he feels it. Maybe it catches on the rough denim of his pants or during a clothing change. The penis could be red, angry, shiny, flaky, or anything in between as it voices its displeasure over some offending incident which has caused the problem. Thankfully, once it’s noticed, it can be remedied in a day or two in mos...

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Skin Peeling on Penis and How to Fix It

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, In : Men's Health 

When a man looks down, he expects to see a handsome, well-tended penis. But sometimes he might see irritation, redness, dryness and even skin peeling on his penis instead. This unsightly state of affairs might make a man very worried about what is happening, especially when his diligent penis care regimen doesn’t seem to make any difference.

The good news is that most cases of skin peeling on penis are very straightforward and caused by problems that are easily remedied. Understanding wh...

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Red Penis: A Telltale Sign of Sunburn

Posted by John Dugan on Friday, February 3, 2017, In : Men's Health 

Many men love the feeling of going naked, and who could blame them? There are few things in life that feel as good as hanging out in a free, natural state. But when a man takes that nakedness outside, he might be in for a big surprise. Even with the best penis care - including the judicious use of sunscreen in places where it matters most - a man might wind up with a red penis as the result of sunburn.

On one hand, a man can be happy that he got to be bare in the wild, so to speak, and enj...

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Dry Penis Woes: A Breakdown of the Problems and Solutions

Posted by John Dugan on Wednesday, September 7, 2016, In : Men's Health 

Dry skin anywhere on the body can be annoying at best and painful at worst. Occasionally severely dry skin will happen for no apparent reason, especially if that dryness is in an area that is usually covered up. Though exposed skin, such as that on hands and feet, might often become dry, it might not make sense when a dry penis occurs. However, the culprit is usually lack of good penis care. Here are some of the most common dry penile skin causes and how to remedy them.

Why is dry penis ha...

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