
Showing Tag: "spots on the penis" (Show all posts)

Penis Cancer – Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatment

Posted by John Dugan on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Penis cancer is thankfully a rare occurrence in industrialized countries. According to the American Cancer Society, about 1,640 new cases are predicted to appear in the U.S. in 2014. However, while this represents only a minute portion of the population, the men who are affected - as well as their families - can be devastated by this potentially deadly disease. Therefore, all men should understand the risk factors, along with being on the lookout for the symptoms, as a proactive way of takin...

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Spots on the Penis – Possible Causes and How They Are Treated

Posted by John Dugan on Sunday, August 24, 2014, In : Men's Health 

Spots on the penis are not always a sign of a serious condition, but they can be. Understanding what causes them and how they are treated can help men make informed decisions about their penis health. The conditions listed below are just some of the common causes. Men who develop penile rash, ulcers, or spots should see their doctor for evaluation and treatment.

1) Pimples. Acne spots can occur anywhere on the body, and unfortunately, not even the penis is immune. Pimples appear as raised ...

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